
Pollinator Problems and Solutions - Paul Kelly - UGRA AGM June 16, 2022

Paul Kelly (B.Sc. Ag ’83) has managed the University’s Honey Bee Research Centre (HBRC) since 1987. Part of the School of Environmental Studies, HRBC is located on approximately 1 ha (~2.5 acres) at 308 Stone Road East. Here, honey bees are maintained for use in research and teaching, as well as extension and demonstration activities.

Academics Without Borders (AWB) call for volunteers by July 20, 2022

AWB seeks volunteers to assist in the design and delivery of a training program for mentors of early career researchers in Ugandan universities. 

This project will be carried out in collaboration with two Ugandan-based organizations, Network for Education and Multidisciplinary Research Africa (NEMRA) and East Africa Scientific Research Network (EASRN). 

Request for Volunteers - Nutrition Study led by Prof. Alison Duncan

University of Guelph Nutrition Study in Older Adults

Older adults (60+ years) are needed for a beans and beef nutrition study in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Guelph (Professor Alison Duncan).  

This study involves: 

UGRA goes to Costa Rica in 2023

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting reservations to join our next UGRA Adventure to Costa Rica: A World of Nature trip featuring Tortuguero National Park, Arenal Volcano & Manuel Antonio National Park. This is a small group tour with Collette Vacations with a maximum group of 24. The trip will be 13 days from February 19 - March 3, 2023 and also includes 24 meals.

The Making of a Museum, a Memoir by Judith Nasby

Retiree Judith Nasby, Curator Emerita of the Macdonald Stewart Art Gallery, has published Making of a Museum, a Memoir  - relaying the origins of the Art Gallery of Guelph.  It is published by McGill-Queen’s University Press.  The Making of a Museum, a Memoir brings the gallery’s history to vivid life in stories and images and recounts Nasby’s extensive career as a gallery leader, with anecdotes and insights into how art institutions are created.


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