UGRA Executive Committee

The UGRA is a membership organization.  Its operation and activities are directed by an Executive Committee elected annually at the Annual General Meeting in June. The Executive Committee members are listed below.

The UGRA Executive Committee meets monthly, normally on the first Tuesday of every month except for July and August.  UGRA members are welcome to attend; however, please email if you plan to attend.  Currently our meetings are held via Zoom.

2024-2025 Executive Committee


Clarence Swanton President  
TBA Vice President  
Larry Shuh Treasurer  
TBA Secretary  
Alan Filewod Past-President  



Jane Alexander Membership  
Teresa Crease Website  
Grant Maxie Advertising  
Cathy Ralston Newsletter Editor  
Peter Krell Director  
Jan MacInnes Director  
Rich Moccia Director  
Al Sullivan Director  
Irene Thompson Director  


Clarence Swanton photo
Larry Shug photo


Alan Filewod photo


Jane Alexander photo


Clarence Swanton

~ President ~

Plant Agriculture, Ontario Agricultural College
Larry Shuh

~ Treasurer ~

Budget, Financial Planning, Financial Services
Alan Filewod

~ Past-President ~

English and Theatre Studies, College of Arts
Jane Alexander

~Director ~

Student Housing Services
Teresa Crease photo
Peter Krell photo


Jan MacInnes photo


Grant Maxie photo


Teresa Crease

~ Director ~

Integrative Biology, College of Biological Sciences
Peter Krell

~ Director ~

Molecular and Cellular Biology, College of Biological Sciences
Jan MacInnes

~ Director ~

Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College
Grant Maxie

~ Director ~

Animal Health Laboratory, Ontario Veterinary College
Rich Moccia photo
Cathy Ralston photo


Al Sullivan photo


Irene Thompson photo


Rich Moccia

~ Director ~

Animal Biosciences, Ontario Agricultural College
Cathy Ralston

~ Director ~

Hospitality Food and Tourism Management, Lang School of Business and Economics
Al Sullivan

~ Director ~

Plant Agriculture, Ontario Agricultural College
Irene Thompson

~ Director ~

Student Affairs


To contact the Executive Committee send your email to