
Changes to retiree off-campus access to on-line resources

The library-access questions were a bit complicated, not least because there doesn’t seem to be a central source of information that ensures retirees are correctly listed on the CCS campus directory. The October message about the changes to access to resources went to many retirees, including a good many University Professor Emeriti and College Professor Emeriti who continue to be very active in their academic area!

Impact of changes to Ontario’s health plan coverage for out-of-country emergency medical costs

Ontario’s plan gave very minimal, inadequate contributions for out-of-country medical emergency costs, so you do need (and always did need) other travel medical insurance when you head out on your adventures! That insurance may be coverage through the UG retiree extended health insurance you purchased through SunLife, or from other companies, or through your credit card. A column by Rob Carrick in the Globe and Mail on January 9, 2020 (page B11*) provides a good analysis of what you should be checking before you pack. Bon voyage!

UGRA trip to China

Check out a brief summary of the China Trip to whet your appetite, then settle down with some of the travellers to get the full story.

UGRA Scholarship Winner for 2019

We are very pleased to announce that Isaac Wismer  has been awarded the 2019 UGRA Scholarship. He has also been awarded a scholarship from Economical insurance, one of the CURAC sponsors and a frequent advertiser in our Newsletter. Isaac is in his third year of a Bachelor of Computing Science degree and part of a five-year co-op program, which gives him many travel opportunities and work experiences. Grandson of Dr. Danny Butler, a strong supporter of UGRA, Isaac has many other family members who have attended the University of Guelph. 

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