York University Scholar's Hub @ Home Sessions
Date and Time
Tuesday, March 7 at 12 noon ET: Scholar's Hub @ Home--The future of books: What and how you're going to read
Speaker: Dr. Matthew Bucemi, Assistant Professor of Book Publishing, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Short overview The way that we read books has changed a lot in the past twenty years. How will it change in the next twenty and beyond? Why do some people think that we'll no longer have bookstores, or that we won't even read books at all? Are books going to die out? In this presentation, Professor Bucemi helps you sort through the fact and fiction about what's happening to books and tells you what you need to know about the way we're all going to read in the future.
Registration & further info: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Gy8MwMjKS1K4IN9qPleocQ
Wednesday, March 22 at 12 noon ET: Scholar's Hub @ Home-- The role of mattering in hope, happiness, health and fulfillment in life
Speaker: Dr. Gordon Flett, Canada Research Chair, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health
Short overview: This presentation will address our shared need to matter to other people. Viewers will learn about the power of mattering as a fundamental relational resource that contributes to adaptability and resilience and positive outcomes at home, at school, at work, and in the community. Understand about actionable messages and be provided with ways to promote mattering in various contexts.
Registration & further info: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0IaQnXT0Td-sYTKHwWEmOA
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 12 noon ET: Scholar's Hub @ Home--Why stories linger in our minds: Using stories to probe human memory and thought
Speaker: Dr. Bellana Buddhika, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Glendon College
Short overview: A good book is not only characterized by the reader's experience while in the midst of reading it. In fact, a good book is marked by its ability to shape the content of our thoughts for hours, sometimes days, after putting it down. This presentation will examine the idea that stories have a propensity to linger in your mind. We will look at how this phenomenon can be quantified in the laboratory and what it might reveal about how our memory system works.
Registration & further info: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QL5DB316Ray1LqlWyHBMmg