The McMaster Alumni Association presents "ADHD: How it Manifests and Effective Steps to Address It".
In this webinar, Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell will offer educators, healthcare professionals, and parents the tools they need to understand what it’s like to have ADHD, how to change their perspective, and how to create environments where those with ADHD can thrive. Dr. Hallowell will share the Default Mode Network, a technique based on brain science that anyone can learn to free themselves from the habit of persistent and debilitating negative thinking. Dr. Hallowell will take us through this practical, evidence-based, and effective program to bring stress and worry levels from the toxic zone into normalcy. You will learn the simple steps any individual can take, from a child to an adult, to regain a confident and upbeat feeling about everyday life.
Visit the webpage for more information and to register [1] for this event.
Visit the McMaster Alumni Association website to view recordings of past events [2].